Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pharmaceutical Technology

Here the books for Pharmaceutical Technology-----  

1. Plant Pharmaceutical solid doges forms with technology - Md Al amin

2. Plant Pharmaceutical liquid doges forms with technology- Md Al amin

3. Aulton pharmaceutics

4. Ansels pharmaceutical doges froms

5. Industrial Pharmacy - Leon lashman

6. Introduction of pharmaceutics- Gupta bajaj

7. Subramunl Pharmaceutical engwring

8. Modern pharmaceutics- Barkar

9. Text book of Pharmaceutics. -banty

10. Cooper and guns dispensing pharmaceutical student -J.s Carter                         

11. Practical Pharmaceutics- Gupta

12. Hand book of Pharmaceutical technology. - L.k Gosh

13. tutorial pharmacy- Cooper and guns
                                    s.j carter

14.American Pharmacy Spwalls

1 comment:

  1. Hi! nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic. Thanks for sharing.Cheers!

    - The dispensing guns
